Our History
On December 16th 1868 the first move was made to interest the people of Liverpool to the possibility of establishing an Institution where the orphaned children of seamen would be cared for.
The sponsors of the project comprised of a group of ship owners and merchants who, for some time, had been concerned how best to help the widows and families of Merseyside men lost at sea by drowning, or who had died as the result of an accident or natural causes.
The sponsors included many who, despite the calls of business, found time to give their services in helping the less fortunate, sick and the destitute for whom, at that time, there was no Welfare State to offer help and protection. They felt that no section of the community was more deserving of help than the widows and fatherless children of seamen, and decided that the time had come for definite action.

Key dates and events
1894 - 1900
The Orphanage was extended with new workshops added to the School buildings and the opening of a Swimming Bath.
H.M. King Edward VII became Patron of the Institution.
Her Majesty Queen Mary and Her Royal Highness Princess Mary visited. H.M. King George V bestows the title of “Royal” on the Institution.
Incorporation of Institution under Royal Charter.
H.M. King George VI and H.M. Queen Elizabeth – Patrons of the Institution.
With the outbreak of the Second World War, the children were evacuated to Hill Bark, Frankby, Merseyside were Mr and Mrs E.B. Royden offered their home.
The Orphanage was reconditioned following War damage
The Earl of Derby – Patron of the Institution.
Following the new Education Act it was no longer permissible for all age school children to attend the same school and thus the decision was announced to close Newsham Park School.
With the closure of the Orphanage, the Institution ensured that no effort was spared to ensure that the fatherless children of our Merchant Seamen were adequately provided for with regard to education and maintenance.
The RLSOI celebrates its centenary with a special letter of support and wishes from Her Majesty Queen Elizaberth, the Queen Mother.
The Institution extends its education and maintenance grant programme to assist the children from the Fisheries, following the loss of a parent at sea.
The Institution celebrates its 150th year with a special AGM held at the Liverpool Town Hall. Following an address by our Patron, The Earl of Derby, some former and present beneficiaries spoke of their personal experiences and the importance of the support being received from the RLSOI today.